After many complaints and rants about how slow the download speed has been, I've finally got the game up and running. The moment I started I was overwhelmed by the intro movie and the graphical capabilities, so I guessed this game would be pretty awesome. I rolled a Race of Man Captain - a character that could bolster allies' attack and defense, and could keep himself alive. Not to mention that people wouldn't spam "FFS HEALER?!" and "WTF HEALER?!".
So immediately I found myself in a prison, and there's some dude who's just broken me out. Surrounding him are the lifeless bodies of recently slain guards. You know where this is headed, don't you? I then spend 10 minutes trying to find the "satchel" where I'll find my first weapon, then get into combat with my rescuer for no apparent reason. Apparently he wanted to test my combat skills, but surely he could've just seen me slaughter 4 "Darkwold" NPCs and then be the judge. Still, we carried on, and soon I was left on my own to fight.
Has anyone figured out what game I'm comparing this to? I'm being serious, this is how the game begins for a Race of Man.
I found several characters and reunited with my rescuer, however, he has been mortally wounded by a "Dark Rider". He retreats when the place sets alight, and we all leave for the starter city.
OK, I'm going to have to stop there. This is almost identical to the story of Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, only without the death of an Emperor. But here's where things become even more comparative....
In the starter city I must convince a Captain I-don't-give-a-shit-about-what-you-think, or something along those lines, that there is a Darkwold invasion coming soon. What next, do I have to go to each of the realms and explain that they'll come through bloody great gates and burn down the city? No, that would be too much like ES. This time it's like Dragon Age!
So after killing various Darkwold soldiers, a few Feral Wolves, the occasional "piglet" (they call them piglets, but we know they're boars. See, Codemasters know when you're bored of killing boars), but still no signs of Ring Wraiths.
My opinion at the time: Generic MMORPG but it's doing a better job that Rift! And it's free!
So we find that Farmer Corn-on-the-Cob is in fact a traitor, and Captain Doesn't-give-a-shit can't believe it. We visit his exiled son and try to get proof. Then all of a sudden, after killing spiders and more wolves, we're plonked right into the middle of the main battle!
What would my character's parents say? "Oh, they grow up so fast. Jorhn's only Lv.5 and already he's in the army!" Yes, I was in the main battle of the Intro quests. Barely knowing anything about the Hobbits that are supposedly the Ring-Bearers, we're thrust into a huge battle with.... *sigh*, more Darkwold soldiers. After a few more waves of these enemies we're stunned for no apparent reason, Farmer Corn-on-the-Cob kills Captain Gunnery-Sergeant-Hartman, and we're left to slay him. Almost immediately we have a cutscene and now we're in the second part of the game.
Time flies by very quickly in this game - before the cutscene everything was ablaze, but during it, everything was repaired and after it's looking normal.
It's gonna be one of those games....
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